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Film, Television and Multimedia

Location #61318, Suseon Hall
Address 25-2, Sungkyunkwan-Ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
Telephone 82-2-760-0661
Film, TV, and Multimedia

The Department of Film, TV & Multimedia was established with an aim to foster media professionals who can play a pivotal role in creating content for new media in the 21st century. To this end, the department is equipped with curriculum required for the emerging digital-based entertainment industry, faculty of ample experiences, and offers various equipment and facilities with which students can study, such as studios, a sound editing suite and media library.

Film, Television and Multimedia Studies seeks to create professionals who will shape and define the digital art in the age of converging media, information and entertainment. To meet the demands of this fast changing sector, media art specialists need to be armed with a complete understanding of new media and video content as well as the technical facility to actively utilize the understating for practical ends. It follows that this area of study spurs the development of such knowledge and skill, making possibility of a creative approach to photography, broadcasting, film, video, electronic games, and the internet.

Every class is composed of thirty-five students selected in the regular admission period by the college, through the Scholastic Aptitude Test (CSAT) and by looking at Student Transcripts, with about five students selected by special admissions through portfolio screening and an in-depth interview. Currently, the total number of students in the department is 160. Every year, about 40 students graduate from the department and find employment in various areas such as filmmaking companies, broadcasting stations, advertisement agencies, animation, interactive media broadcasting stations, game companies and multimedia-related companies.

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